Wednesday, 26 January 2022

Frequent cravings for sweets? Keep an eye on your blood sugar level

 “One last cookie” or “what difference does a candy make more or less?”. Perhaps you recognize yourself all too well in such statements. And that doesn't matter, because after all, life is for enjoying yourself. But enjoying too much can also have its drawbacks. Do you regularly have an urge for sweets and a tendency to snack? Then you may also be at risk of high blood sugar. Find out what you can do about it and how to control high blood sugar

Blood sugar level

Your blood sugar level or blood glucose level is a measure of the amount of glucose that is dissolved in the blood. All cells in your body use that glucose as an energy source. A normal fasting value is between 4.0 and 6.0 millimoles per liter. If that value is above 7.0, we speak of diabetes mellitus. Your blood sugar levels vary during the day. Just before eating, it will be a bit lower than just after the meal (until about an hour and a half afterwards). That's because the glucose from your food gets into your blood.

Limiting your craving for sweets

Of course you don't just get diabetes if you just occasionally snack, but it can't hurt to pay a little attention. Do you find it difficult to contain yourself? Then your online pharmacist may have something for you. Chromium is a natural element that contributes to the maintenance of normal blood sugar levels and the normal combustion and storage of nutrients. Pharma Nord Bio-Chromium is a chromium-based dietary supplement that can actively help you control your blood sugar levels. In addition, an adequate supply of chromium can help control your cravings for sweets.

Drink less caffeine

A 2012 study conducted among 24 subjects with type 2 diabetes showed that stopping drinking coffee significantly reduced H1ac levels. That means that in the long term your blood sugar levels will improve.

Well, just not drinking coffee is not enough to get your blood sugar levels in order, but it does show that getting stable blood sugar levels is a matter of making many different small improvements to your diet and lifestyle that together have a very powerful effect.

Drink less alcohol

In addition to caffeine, alcohol is also a factor that does have a negative influence on your blood sugar level. As you may know, your pancreas is responsible for producing insulin. This same pancreas is also part of the group of organs tasked with removing alcohol from your system. If you drink alcohol regularly, you put an unnecessary burden on the pancreas. So be careful with the pancreas and drink in moderation or rather not at all. Especially not if you already have problems reduce your blood sugar levels in order.

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