Tuesday, 20 September 2022

Do breathing exercises for labour really help? | Zyla Health

 WELL WELL! I can see you have been doing a lot of preparation for the big day. I am sure you have been tracking everything — what you eat, drink, sleep cycles, medicines you take.

You might also have read every article, every book and a lot of blog posts about taking care of your new bundle of joy. Am I right? Well, the mama-to-be has to be prepared for everything.

Pregnancy can be pretty hard and amazing at the same time. It doesn’t matter if it’s your first pregnancy or the third, it’s still going to be a challenging life change. But no need to worry! Challenges just mean that you need to prepare in advance.

By now, you must have heard the scary stories out there about labour pains. But let me tell you something, every woman’s birthing story and birthing experience is unique.

But sooner or later, your due date is going to be here and you need to be prepared to manage the discomfort and pain. Want a hint? JUST BREATHE!

In this blog, we will discuss breathing exercises for labour. Let us start by taking a closer look at the importance of breathing exercises during pregnancy!

A pregnant woman holding her belly.
Pregnancy can be pretty hard and amazing at the same time.

Breathing exercises during pregnancy

The hormones, emotions, cravings, stress, aches and those nine months can be stressful. The only way to manage the stress is to stay calm and just breathe your way through this phase. Remember to take those deep deep breaths!

  • Your baby needs oxygen too. As your baby grows, the body’s need for oxygen increases and shallow breaths cannot compensate for this need, so you need to sit back and take those deep breaths.
  • We all know that deep breathing exercises have been found beneficial in de-stressing and relaxing and since the pregnancy experience is a little stressful, pregnant women can feel anxious easily. These breathing exercises can really calm your mind and help with anxiety.
  • Achy joints and muscles are common in pregnancies. Yes, you need to take breaks and relax. While you do that, try deep breathing too as it has been found to be beneficial for these aches.
  • Women fear labour pain and contractions. But if you practice breathing exercises regularly, you will be able to manage through the intensity of the pain and it won’t be such a battle.

Find yourself wondering about what prenatal exercises you require? For further reading, you can check out our blog post on the “importance of pre-natal exercises”. If you’re planning to conceive then Zyla can provide you with the right guidance and treatment. Feel free to download the Zyla app or visit our website-Zyla.in.

Now that we know that breathing exercises can help us deal with the stressors of pregnancy, let’s read further to find out how we can use these breathing exercises for labour.

Breathing exercises for labour

The human body has been equipped with a FIGHT or FLIGHT mechanism in response to any stressful situation. With this response, the body prepares itself to either fight or avoid the stressful situation in order to survive.

When you are stressed or anxious you might start hyperventilating, your heart might start racing and a state of panic could overwhelm you. Although this is your body’s natural response to any stressful condition, the body cannot deal with the stress for a prolonged time and therefore it results in exhaustion after some time.

Labour is a stressful condition for women and can continue for many hours. You might naturally start to feel stressed and exhausted during that time and can lose control.

But if you start practising deep breathing from today, you will be able to cope better when the situation actually arrives.

Practising breathing exercises for labour is essential as it holds a lot of benefits such as:

  • Childbirth is an energy-consuming process. Practising breathing exercises for labour will help you conserve and direct your energy in a beneficial way to experience a stress-free birthing process.
  • These are so powerful that they can delay or even eliminate your need for pain medications during labour. It can literally make you a SUPERWOMAN!
  • These can help you reduce your increased heart rate and blood pressure which are induced by stress.
  • They will help you inhale more oxygen with every deep breath. The higher the oxygen, the better your body can function during the birthing process.
  • They can help relax and calm your mind in this painful situation.

How important is vitamin D for a healthy conception? Read our blog “Keeping vitamin-D under check for a healthy conception” to find out more! For more guidance, feel free to download the Zyla app or visit our website-Zyla.in.

Well, that was an interesting read. But we aren’t done yet! Let’s look at how Lamaze breathing can help with labour pain!

A pregnant woman and her husband holding her belly.
Practising breathing exercises for labour will help you conserve energy.

Lamaze breathing exercises for labour

Connecting to yourself and to your baby is important during pregnancy. Taking the time to bond with your baby is sacred. This is something that you can practice by finding a quiet place to connect with yourself emotionally, mentally and imagining a positive future with your healthy baby in a peaceful place.

Art of meditation for pregnant women, Lamaze is something that all pregnant women need to know and practice. Lamaze (pronounced as LA-MAAZ) is not just about breathing!

It is a combination of exercises, massage routines, deep breathing, movement, and relaxation techniques for labour- all of which will help you master the pain on D-day- delivery day!

The Lamaze approach was first introduced in the 1950s in France, by a noted physician called Dr Fernand Lamaze, and in time, it spread across the world as a preferred childbirth preparation programme.

With Lamaze in your life, you can stay active and healthy during your pregnancy.

A healthy pregnancy helps ensure healthy labour and a healthy baby. Both partners can be equally involved in Lamaze breathing. Your partner can learn the relaxation techniques for labour and breathing techniques for labour, which will help them guide and support you through labour.

It can actually be a great bonding experience for the expecting parents. Once you learn how to tune your body in response to the contractions during the exercises, you will naturally be able to cope with the real contractions, find your rhythm and let your body guide you.

You will be aware of conscious breathing and relaxing between contractions. You will also be focussed and experience your endorphins (nature’s narcotic — dulls the pain and are released in response to contractions) working their magic.

Some of the important techniques for controlled breathing exercises during labour include:

  • Slow and deep breathing
  • Maintaining a rhythm
  • Breathing through your mouth or nose
  • Keeping your eyes open or closed
  • Focusing on one simple physical item, such as a photograph or your partner

Lamaze should be taught by a certified Lamaze instructor or coach.

1. When the contraction begins

Take a deep breath at the beginning and end of each contraction. This is often referred to as a cleansing or relaxing breath.

2. During the first stage of labour

  • Take a slow deep breath as your contraction starts and then slowly breathe out. Imagine releasing all the physical tension from your head to your toes. This is often referred to as an organising breath.
  • Inhale through your nose and then hold that breath for a moment. Then exhale slowly through your mouth. Each time you exhale, imagine that every part of your body is relaxing with it.

3. During active labour

  • Start with an organising breath and breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth. Keep your breathing as slow as possible, but speed it up as the intensity of the contraction increases.
  • Keep your shoulders relaxed and as the contraction peaks and your breathing rate increases, switch to light breathing both in and out through your mouth — take about one breath per second.
  • As the intensity of the contraction decreases, slow your breathing and go back to breathing in with your nose and out with your mouth.

4. Transition breathing

As you switch to light breathing during active labour, transition breathing is important to help you control feelings of exhaustion. For this:

  • Take an organising breath, focus your attention on one thing — a picture, your partner, even a spot on the wall.
  • During a contraction, breathe in and out through your mouth at a rate of 1 to 10 breaths every 5 seconds.
  • For every fourth or fifth breath, blow out a long breath.
  • When the contraction is over, take a relaxing breath. If you prefer, you can verbalise transition breathing with a “hee” for each of the shorter breaths and a “hoo” for the longer breath.

5. During the second stage of labour

  • Take an organising breath and focus on the baby moving down and out.
  • Breath slowly, guided by each contraction and adjust your breathing for comfort.
  • When you feel the need to push, take a deep breath and slowly release it.
  • When the contraction is over, relax and take two calming breaths.

Now that we have seen how Lamaze breathing exercises for labour can help with the pain of labour, you must be wondering about how to involve your partner in the process! Let’s find out!

How to involve your partner in the birthing process?

When you are in labour you might feel exhausted and feel that you are not able to follow the breathing techniques for labour. That’s where your partner steps in.

You can maintain eye contact with your partner, mirror his actions and he can guide you back into that breathing rhythm by breathing with you.

Support is all that you need to get through this and your partner being there can actually provide you with the needed support. Co-breathing can actually act as one of the breathing exercises during labour when you think that labour is endless!

A couple holding baby shoes.
Co-breathing can actually act as one of the breathing exercises during labour.

There is no doubt that labour is a challenging part of the motherhood journey. While every birth story is unique, we hope that by learning and including these breathing exercises in your motherhood journey — you can deal with this challenging stage, with the right tools to make it an easier experience.

We encourage you to reach out to the women in your life for support, be it your family or friends, to ensure you have a strong support system while you tackle this difficult stage.

We also recommend, you consult a certified Lamaze coach/ instructor and consult your treating doctor before starting any new exercises.

If you require guidance during your pregnancy journey, Zyla can help you. You can enrol in our Ova Pentacare Pregnancy Program where Zylas team of 50+ medical experts guide you through pre-conception to post-delivery management and counselling.

Zyla has doctors, nutritionists, psychologists and physiologists to provide you with a holistic approach through personalised care and treatment. Feel free to download the Zyla app or visit our website-Zyla.in.

Connect with us:

  1. Subscribe to our Youtube channel: https://bit.ly/2o19OzE to watch videos on health and health-related conditions.
  2. Find us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/zylaova/ and https://www.facebook.com/zylahealth
  3. Find us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ovabyzyla/ and https://www.instagram.com/zylahealth/
  4. Visit our website: https://zyla.in/ova-pentacare-pregnancy-program
  5. Talk to us on WhatsApp — https://goo.gl/kjofP

Friday, 16 September 2022

A stable blood sugar level

 Do you regularly wake up with a rumbling stomach? Are you tired during the day and is the candy machine at work not safe? Can't you possibly go without eating for a few hours without getting cranky, shaky, or dizzy? Chances are that your blood sugar level fluctuates. Did you know that a stable blood sugar level makes you fit and energetic and helps to keep your weight stable?

In this blog you can read how the rise and fall of your blood sugar level works. And above all, the 11 best tips to How to Reduce Blood Sugar Levels, so that you can start the autumn energetic and with a healthy weight.

How does blood sugar work?

When we eat, the carbohydrates in our diet are broken down into glucose. This glucose enters the blood from the intestines and is then sent to the cells by the hormone insulin. The cells burn the glucose to generate energy. When more glucose enters than the body can burn, the excess is stored in the muscles and liver in the form of glycogen.

The liver and muscles are relatively small storehouses; there is room there to store energy for about one day. When the muscles and liver are full, the excess glucose is converted into fat. When blood sugar levels are low, the pancreas produces the hormone glucagon, which converts the glycogen from the liver and muscles back into glucose. And when little or no carbohydrates are received, for example in the case of fasting or with a low-carbohydrate diet, the body can switch to fat burning. Also, in extreme cases, the body can convert proteins into glucose (gluconeogenesis).

When is the blood sugar level too high?

The amount of glucose in your blood is measured in millimoles per liter (mmol/l). A normal fasting value is between 4.0 and 6.0 mmol/l. Two hours after eating, your blood sugar should actually be below 9.0 mmol/l. Blood sugar values ​​of 6-8 mmol/l are too high and if the fasting values ​​are above 7.0 mmol/l, there is diabetes. Thirst, drinking and urinating a lot, infections, itching, tiredness, listlessness and irritability can indicate too high a blood sugar level.

The link between diet and your blood sugar level

As you have read, the carbohydrates in our diet are broken down and converted into glucose. This happens very quickly with certain foods; sugar and white flour products, for example, are converted into glucose in no time and raise blood sugar levels rapidly. As a result, an immediate boost of insulin is also produced to Reduce Blood Sugar Levels.

Due to the excess of insulin, the blood sugar level falls below the normal values, with the result that your body asks for fast sugars again. If you often feel hungry soon after eating, this could indicate that blood sugar levels are rising and falling too quickly. Carbohydrates with a lot of fiber, such as in vegetables, fruit, legumes and whole grains, are broken down more slowly and therefore increase the blood sugar level more gradually. Fats and proteins have a stabilizing effect on blood sugar levels. For example, they slow down the breakdown of carbohydrates, so that the blood sugar level rises less quickly.

Keep your blood sugar stable with these 11 tips

1. Eat a protein-rich breakfast in the morning

Proteins are very satiating and keep the blood sugar level stable. Especially if you eat them in the morning, they can have an effect throughout the day. Try it out, if you eat enough protein in the morning you will have much less appetite in the late afternoon.

For example, instead of bread, breakfast with eggs in the form of an omelet. Or how about a banana pancake made from 2 eggs and 1 banana? Avocado, nuts/seeds and full fat (goat/sheep) yogurt also contain a lot of protein. Check out our protein blog here .

2. Eat enough fiber

Carbohydrates that contain a lot of fiber are broken down less quickly and therefore gradually increase the blood sugar level. For example, think of legumes and whole grains such as buckwheat and oatmeal. Vegetables are also packed with fiber that slows the absorption of glucose into the blood. Try to get your portion of vegetables at lunch and dinner.

Furthermore, if you drink enough water, you can take extra fiber, for example from Psyllium.

3. Use apple cider vinegar and/or lemon

Organic apple cider vinegar and lemon make your body more sensitive to insulin. This allows the glucose from the blood to be used properly by the cells. You can drink apple cider vinegar (preferably through a straw to protect your tooth enamel) by mixing 2 tablespoons in a glass of water. You can also put squeezed lemon juice in water, or make a dressing with it.

4. Add cinnamon to your food

Cinnamon helps in Control blood sugar level and can therefore make you less hungry for sweet things. It is wonderful to add to your smoothie or porridge made from whole grains, such as oatmeal. Cinnamon also works well on the banana pancake.

5. Eat coconut oil regularly

Coconut oil contains certain fatty acids (MediumChainTriglycerides) that can be immediately converted into a useful source of energy for the body, namely ketones. The brain in particular functions very well on ketones in addition to glucose. Coconut oil saturates and provides immediate energy without raising blood sugar levels. You don't have to worry about getting fat from coconut oil, it has a beneficial effect on your thyroid and therefore your metabolism. You can mix coconut oil into your smoothie, bake in it and take 1 to 2 teaspoons between meals.

6. Avoid fast sugars

All cookies, candy, soft drinks, but also white bread, white pasta and white rice and potatoes are converted into glucose in no time. They therefore raise your blood sugar level at lightning speed, with all the associated consequences. Stay away from sweets and drink water instead of soda, which you can flavor with herbs like mint and ginger or some fruit like lemon.

Make sure that your lunch and dinner preferably consist of half vegetables, supplemented with proteins, good fats and some whole grains.

7. Avoid Too Much Fruit, Juices, and Diet Sodas

Fruit is delicious and healthy, but it contains a lot of fruit sugars that can make your blood sugar level skyrocket. Don't overdo it and stick to 1 to 2 pieces of fruit per day. Dried fruits, such as dates, are very high in sugars, so take them in moderation.

Fruit juices contain sugar from a number of fruits, so you quickly get a lot of sugar with one glass. Preferably make fruit juices yourself and drink them in moderation, certainly not every day.

Diet soft drinks are not an option, they may not contain sugar, but your brain does register the sweet taste, so that insulin is still released. This then lowers your blood sugar level, making you hungry for ... you guessed it: sugar.


8. Reduce stress

In periods of stress there is an increased energy requirement, the body is then in the fight or flight mode. In times of stress, under the influence of adrenaline and cortisol, extra glucose is released from the liver and muscles, which increases the blood sugar level. You can also get more sugar cravings during periods of stress due to the increased energy requirement.

Do not let stress in your life get the better of you and relax in time. Feelings of stress? Learn how to deal with feelings of stress better in three practical emails with the A.Vogel Relaxation Coach .

9. Use the right fats

Omega 3 fatty acids in fatty fish such as: herring, salmon, mackerel and sardines ensure that the cell membranes remain flexible enough and can respond well to insulin. This allows your body to burn energy from glucose and fats more efficiently. Put fatty fish on the menu at least twice a week or supplement with a good quality purified fish oil or krill oil.

10. Exercise on an empty stomach and after eating

By exercising you burn the carbohydrates you consume. They sometimes say: 'you have to earn your carbohydrates' and that's how it really is. When you exercise daily, you burn the carbohydrates you ingest and lower blood sugar levels.

Exercise also makes you respond better to insulin. Exercising on an empty stomach and taking a walk after a meal are especially beneficial.

11. Sleep 7-8 hours a night

Sufficient sleep is very important for hormone balance. If you sleep too little, it affects almost all functions in your body, including your blood sugar level. If you are very tired, you have an energy deficit and you eat more easily. Your appetite for fast sugars will then be greater. So make sure you go to bed on time and get 7 to 8 hours of sleep a night.

Thursday, 15 September 2022

How to improve immunity after COVID recovery.

 It’s been a few days since Mr Philips got tested negative for coronavirus, but he is still experiencing excessive weakness, cough and bloating issues.

He was initially very happy to be out of isolation, to be able to get back to his regular routine and catch up with friends and family. But his happiness lasted for a very short time, as his issues were not resolving.

A wine-colored piece of plastic with COVID-19 written over it.
Recovering from COVID is only half of the battle. The next phase is dealing with post-COVID syndrome.

One day, in frustration and panic, he contacted his doctor and asked, “how to improve immunity after COVID recovery?”. The doctor told him that he was experiencing post-COVID symptoms. His doctor advised him to focus on boosting his immunity, for which a proper diet and rest is necessary.

After 1 month of rest, breathing exercises and a balanced diet, Mr Philips was back to his previous healthy and happy self. Mr Philip is just one case among the many people who have had to deal with the effects of the post-COVID syndrome.

Let us take a closer look at what post-COVID syndrome is and how having a strong immunity can help fight off its effects.

Post-COVID syndrome

As the COVID-19 virus infects our body (specially the lungs), the immune system begins to react to the presence of the virus. The alveolar cells in the lungs signal more immune cells to get activated and migrate in order to destroy the infected cells.

Thus, having a well functioning immune system and good immunity is very important to battle coronavirus and post-COVID-19 symptoms. Following an immunity boosting diet for a few more months post-COVID will also help in avoiding further complications.

Recovering from COVID is only half of the battle. The next phase is dealing with post-COVID syndrome. In India, 70% of patients experience persistent symptoms even after being recovered from COVID-19 infection. This is called “Post-COVID Syndrome” or “Long COVID’’ and is due to a “prolonged inflammatory response”.

Did you know?

Research suggests that the COVID-19 vaccine could help improve symptoms of post-COVID syndrome. To know more about the COVID-19 vaccine read, “The effectiveness of coronavirus vaccine”.

To get a personalized treatment on “how to improve immunity after COVID recovery” and to get easy home remedies to increase immunity from a team of medical experts, download the Zyla app and to know more, visit our website- Zyla.in.

Post-COVID symptoms

People usually recover from COVID-19 from 7–14 days, but often people experience symptoms even after recovery from the active infection.

Some common symptoms people face post COVID are:

  1. Post-COVID weakness
  2. Cough
  3. Body pain
  4. Anxiety, stress and disturbed sleep
  5. Gastric issues
  6. Post-COVID fever
  7. Loss of taste and/or smell
A woman sitting besides a table touching her forehead with closed eyes and a cups of coffee in front of her on the table.
Anxiety and stress are post-COVID symptoms.

Now that we have some idea of what post-COVID symptoms include, let us look at some complications that post-COVID syndrome can lead to!

Post-COVID complications

1. Diabetes and elevated blood sugar levels

After active COVID-19 infection, some diabetic patients report elevated blood sugar levels.

Furthermore, there are reports of previously non-diabetic individuals reporting elevated blood sugar levels due to side effects of steroids which is one of the key medicines for COVID-19 treatment.

Read more about the relationship between diabetes and COVID-19 in our blog, “Coronavirus and diabetes”.

2. Heart problems

Heart problems like hypertension (high blood pressure), hyperlipidemia (high cholesterol levels), chest pain/ discomfort can worsen post-COVID-19.

3. Respiratory problems

As COVID-19 primarily affects the lungs, breathing difficulties, pneumonia and lung infections can persist in some cases. How to improve immunity after COVID recovery is a question but in such cases, consult your doctor as a chest CT scan may be required.

4. Liver dysfunction

After recovering from COVID-19 people having comorbidities like liver dysfunction can have elevated levels of liver enzymes like high ALT, AST, ALP, bilirubin, albumin. In such patients, liver function tests (LFT’s) help monitor progression.

5. Compromised kidney health

People with comorbidities like chronic disease can have increased creatinine, blood urea nitrogen levels, uric acid level, even people without prior kidney problems can have increased creatinine and low eGFR.

6. Brain health

Multiple lines of evidence suggest that Covid-19 infection could increase the risk of depression, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s in people who have had the viral illness. Covid- 19 infection can lead to an increase in blood clots which can result in stroke.

A black and white image of a man pushing his hand on his face displaying worry, forgetfulness or stress.
Covid-19 infection could increase the risk of depression, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s in people.

Learn more about post-COVID complications and necessary health steps that must be taken during post-COVID care in our blog, “Why post-COVID care is important?”.

If you’re seeking help during this COVID-19 infection spread, feel free to download the Zyla app or visit our website Zyla.in. Zyla can be your partner and help you go through this tough time.

While the idea of dealing with the effects of the post-COVID syndrome might seem discouraging, we have included a few simple home remedies and lifestyle changes to help boost the immune system and fight the lingering illness.

How to improve immunity after COVID recovery?

To build and boost the immune system and get speedy recovery from post-COVID complications, nutrition and some other factors play a very important role.

Here are some tips and easy home remedies to increase immunity which you need to be consistent with until all your symptoms resolve:

1. Hydration

Fever, diarrhoea, and cough lead to loss of fluid from the body, making it important to maintain hydration. Enough water in the body will help in detoxification, easing digestion, improving brain functioning, body temperature and electrolyte balance.

Therefore, drink 10–12 glasses of water i.e. 2.5–3 litres of water throughout the day to prevent dehydration and other complications.

You can improve hydration through additional fluids intakes like lemon water, coconut water, buttermilk, bael sharbat, sattu sharbat, milk, vegetable or dal soup, soymilk, and ORS.

2. Nutri pills

Nuts and seeds are nutri pills, loaded with immunity-boosting nutrients like zinc, magnesium, iron, selenium, vitamin E, protein, fibre, and omega fatty acids.

Nuts and seeds are also rich in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties which improve the body’s ability to fight infection and thus, they are one of the best immunity booster foods for kids and adults. They also tend to keep you full for a longer period of time thus, it’s an easy option in case of loss of appetite.

Grab 6–8 almonds (badam), 2–3 walnuts (akhrot), 4–5 raisins (kishmish), 4–5 cashews (kaju), handful peanuts (moongphali), 4–5 pistachios (pista) and 1 tbsp of flax seeds (alsi ke beej), chia seeds, pumpkin seeds (kaddu ke beej), and sunflower seeds (surajmukhi ke beej) each every day to get energy and restore nutrients.

3. Vitamin C dose

Everyone knows that vitamin C is one of the most important vitamins during and post-COVID as it reduces inflammation and boosts activity of immune cells.

It tends to cure a common cold along with improving post-COVID complications like hypertension, other heart diseases, high uric acid levels and reduced memory and thinking skills.

In order to get all these benefits, try to have 2–3 fruits in a day like a watermelon, papaya, lemon, apple, guava, mousami, orange, kiwi, strawberries etc. Also, have 1 amla in any form every day.

4. Soft and easily digestible foods

Due to the COVID-19 infection, our body is weak with weakened digestion so believe it or not but having soft and easily digestible food for breakfast, lunch and dinner is the answer to “how to improve immunity after COVID recovery?”.

Opt for a medium bowl of dal-rice, vegetable daliya, khichdi, vegetable oats, jowar khichdi, vegetable poha, vegetable upma, curd rice, 2 dosas, or 2–3 idli etc.

These meals will provide adequate complex carbohydrates to keep up your energy levels and normal bodily functions.

5. Protein punch

Post-COVID every other person suffers from extreme weakness, weight loss (muscle loss) and body pains. To get protection against these effects and maintain metabolic functions, you need to have a protein-rich diet.

Include milk, buttermilk, curd, paneer, nutri nuggets, tofu, omelette, in your breakfast, lunch and dinner.

In mid meals, have homemade dal soup, kale chane ka pani, paneer ka pani, sattu sharbat, boiled egg whites, soy milk etc

6. Spicy potion

Herbs and spices are rich in antioxidants, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties which makes them immunity booster foods for kids and adults. They help in fighting against respiratory infections, heart diseases and other health problems.

So it is very important to take a potion (kadha) prepared of herbs and spices to boost your immunity and reduce the risk of infections during and after COVID-19.

Boil 4–5 basil (tulsi) leaves, 1-inch ginger (adrak), 1 black peppercorn (kali mirch), 1-inch cinnamon (dalchini) stick, and 1-inch licorice (mulethi) in 1 glass of water for 2–3 minutes, strain and drink 2–3 times a day.

Two transparent cups with reddish-orange fluid in it.
A herbal concoction is full of antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

7. Sleep

We often tend to sacrifice our sleep over something else. COVID-19 or not, sleep is and will always remain as important as your 8–9 hours job. The only difference is that one gives you wealth and another gives you health.

Proper sleep of 7–8 hours a day will help fight post-COVID symptoms like diabetes, heart diseases, anxiety and depression, impaired immunity, memory and thinking, muscle loss and fatigue etc.

8. Meditation

You already know that meditation helps in improving your mood and concentration. If you haven’t tried meditation yet, I suggest you start doing it now.

Meditation will help you deal with stress and reduce negative thoughts. It’ll make you have more emotional balance, tolerance and patience thus boosting your memory, focus and creativity.

Meditate daily for at least 15–20 minutes to uplift your mood.

9. Breathing exercises

When you had COVID-19, then you must have heard of/ suggested breathing exercises. You know that it improves lung’s functioning but you need to know it’s other benefits as well like:

  • Improves oxygen uptake and lung capacity
  • Improves diaphragm’s functioning
  • Reduces mucus buildup
  • Helps you relax and reduce stress or anxiety

You can perform the following breathing exercises as guided by your physiotherapist:

A. Deep breathing

  1. Sit or stand in a comfortable position.
  2. Inhale deeply through the nose, hold for a few seconds and then exhale through your mouth. Repeat this exercise 5 times.
  3. It will help keep your mind calm and improve lung function.

B. Pursed lip breathing

  1. Sit or stand in a comfortable position.
  2. Inhale deeply through the nose, hold for a few seconds and then exhale through your mouth. Repeat this procedure 5 times.
  3. During this breathing keep your lip in a pursed position.
  4. It will calm and slow down breathing and relief from shortness of breath.

C. Diaphragmatic breathing

  1. Lie down on your back with your knees bent.
  2. Put a pillow under your knees.
  3. Place one hand on the belly below the rib cage.
  4. Inhale deeply through a count of three.
  5. Tighten your stomach and exhale slowly with a count of six through slightly puckered lips.
  6. It will help to strengthen the diaphragm and improve lung capacity and breathing pattern.

D. Thoracic expansion exercise

  1. Sit in an upright position on a chair.
  2. Interlock your hands and move them straight up then take a deep breath. Maintain this position for a few seconds.
  3. Repeat the exercise for 5 minutes.
  4. It will improve gaseous exchange and lung capacity.
A woman sitting with eyes closed and hands in “namaste” gesture.
Breathing exercises improves oxygen uptake and lung capacity.

E. Spirometer

  1. Place your mouth around the mouthpiece of the spirometer.
  2. Now inhale thoroughly to lift the balls at top.
  3. Inhale for as long as you can do it comfortably, do not exert.
  4. Now remove the mouthpiece and exhale properly.
  5. Repeat this exercise 3 times.
  6. It will improve lung function and reduce mucus buildup.

10. Workout

During COVID-19 infection, our body fights off the infection which causes weakness, muscle loss and reduced stamina. Post-COVID-19, this tends to remain the same or have a minor improvement.

Thus, it is suggested that you gradually start with 10–15 minutes of a brisk walk, then after 7–10 days increase the time to 20–30 minutes.

As your body recovers, you can start doing other physical exercises that you like which is just another answer to your question, “how to improve immunity after COVID recovery?”

Proper nutrition can help you to recover fast from COVID-19 and post-COVID complications which will gradually uplift your energy levels and mood. Try to follow the immunity-boosting tips mentioned above during this situation.

Make sure to keep yourself hydrated throughout the day and have a balanced diet containing more protein, iron, zinc, magnesium and vitamin C. Gradually with proper diet, sleep and exercise you will win this battle.

If you know someone battling COVID-19 infection then “How to recover from COVID-19 at home” will be helpful for them and if you’re healthy then stay at home to stay safe and read, “9 Ways to stay healthy at home during Coronavirus pandemic”.

Be regular and consistent with this journey with patience and positivity to win this COVID-19 and post-COVID battle. If you’re dealing with COVID-19 or post-COVID 19 symptoms, do not worry! Zyla can give you the personalized care and treatment that you require.

Zyla has a team of doctors, nutritionists, physiotherapists and psychologists who can help you have a smooth recovery. You can enrol in our COVID home recovery plan or Post COVID healthy recovery plan by visiting our website- Zyla.in or downloading the Zyla app now.

Stay strong! Stay healthy!
Source: https://blog.zyla.in/how-to-improve-immunity-after-covid-recovery-zyla-health-c2fa5e7ebbd6.

What are The Different Diarrhoea Treatments? | Zyla Health

We all poop! It’s a normal part of our day-to-day life, but have you noticed a slightly loose or watery bowel movement? This is termed diarr...